De recente publicaties van Tine

Hieronder een overzicht van de wetenschappelijke publicaties van Tine Van Regenmortel over de periode 2019-2022.

Journal articles (2019-2022)

Simons, A., Noordegraaf, M., Van Regenmortel, T. (2022). ‘When it comes to relational trauma, you need people at the table’. Therapist experiences of online therapy for families with a prior disclosure of sibling sexual abuse during Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns. Journal Of Family Therapy, 1-14. doi: 10.1111/1467- 6427.12397 Open Access

Van Regenmortel, T. (2022). Sterk sociaal werk: een beroep en wetenschap relevant voor praktijk en beleid. Viewz, Visie en Expertise in Welzijn en Zorg, 10-14.

Sonneveld, J., Metz, J., Schalk, R., Van Regenmortel, T. (2021). Samenspel tussen Jongerenwerk en Specialistische Jeudzorg: Groeikansen voor Persoonlijke Ontwikkeling en Maatschappelijke Participatie. Jeugd in Ontwikkeling1, 1-19. doi: 10.54447/JiO.11303 Open Access

Sonneveld, J., Metz, J., Manders, W., Schalk, R., Van Regenmortel, T. (2021). Methodical principles and prevention-focused outcomes in professional youth work: A longitudinal analysis. Journal Of Social Work, 1-29. doi: 10.1177/14680173211054713

Van Regenmortel, T. (2021). De wetenschap: Een leven lang onderzoek naar ervaringsdeskundigheid. Katern 2: Methodiek2, 15-20. (professional oriented)

Sonneveld, J., Metz, J., Schalk, R., Van Regenmortel, T. (2021). Professional youth work as a preventive service: towards an integrated conceptual framework. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth26 (1), 340-355. doi: 10.1080/02673843.2021.1942088 Open Access

De Witte, J., Van Regenmortel, T. (2021). The Relationship Between Loneliness and Migration Among Belgian Older Adults. Ageing International. doi: 10.1007/s12126-021-09460-8

Ganzevles, M., Andriessen, D., Van Regenmortel, T., van Weeghel, J. (2021). When methods meet motives: methodological pluralism in social work research. Quality & Quantity, 1-17. doi: 10.1007/s11135-021- 01161-3 Open Access

Sonneveld, J., Metz, J., Manders, W., Schalk, R., Van Regenmortel, T. (2021). The contribution of professional youth work to the personal development and social participation of socially vulnerable youngsters: a Dutch longitudinal cohort study. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 1-13. doi: 10.1007/s10560-021-00765-w Open Access

Zwijnenburg, J., Van Regenmortel, T., Schalk, R., Van Regenmortel, T. (2021). Support-nets: A participative action-research into the value of a mutual support group to overcome social isolation. Social Work and Social Sciences Review, (22), Art.No. 1538, 46-62.

Noordink, T., Verharen, L., Schalk, R., Van Regenmortel, T. (2021). Measuring instruments for empowerment in social work: A scoping review. British Journal Of Social Work, Art.No. bcab054, 1-27. doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bcab054 Open Access

Voets, J., Pleysier, S., Roevens, E., Put, J., Op de Beeck, L., Van Regenmortel, T., Hermans, K. (2021). Integrale jeugdhulp. Uw evaluatie-update anno 2020. Viewz, Visie en Expertise in Welzijn en Zorg, (1), 46- 49. [POP] (professional oriented)

Numans, W., Regenmortel, T.V., Schalk, R., Boog, J. (2021). Vulnerable persons in society: an insider’s perspective. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUALITATIVE STUDIES ON HEALTH AND WELL-BEING16 (1), Art.No. ARTN 1863598. doi: 10.1080/17482631.2020.1863598 Open Access

Huber, M., Brown, L., Metze, R., Stam, M., Van Regenmortel, T., Abma, T. (2020). Exploring empowerment of participants and peer workers in a self-managed homeless shelter. Journal Of Social Work. doi: 10.1177/1468017320974602 Open Access

Castro, E.M., Van Regenmortel, T., Vanhaecht, K., Sermeus, W., Kiekens, C., Claes, K., Bruyneel, L. (2020). Effect of an intervention on the congruence of nurses’ and patients’ perceptions of patient-centred care: a pre-test post-test study. Journal Of Evaluation In Clinical Practice26 (6), Art.No. jep.13348, 1648-1656. doi: 10.1111/jep.13348 Open Access

Sonneveld, J., Rijnders, J., Metz, J., Van Regenmortel, T., Schalk, R. (2020). The contribution of professional youth work to the development of socially vulnerable youngsters: multiple case study. Children And Youth Services Review, (118), Art.No. 105476, 1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105476 Open Access

Huber, M., Brown, L., Metze, R., Stam, M., Van Regenmortel, T., Abma, T. (2020). Understanding how engagement in a self-management shelter contributes to empowerment. Journal Of Community & Applied Social Psychology30 (5),

Ganzevles, M., Andriessen, D., Van Beest, W., Van Regenmortel, T., van Weeghel, J. (2020). The nature of social work research by Dutch Universities of Applied Sciences: An overview. Journal of Social Intervention : Theory and Practice29 (1), 41-61. doi: 10.18352/jsi.616 Open Access

Huber, M., Metze, R., Stam, M., Van Regenmortel, T., Abma, T. (2020). Self-managed programmes in homeless care as (reinvented) institutions. International Journal Of Qualitative Studies On Health And Well-Being15 (1), 1-11. doi: 10.1080/17482631.2020.1719002 Open Access

Roevens, E., Pleysier, S., Put, J., Op de Beeck, L., Van Regenmortel, T., Hermans, K., Voets, J. (2020). Vijf jaar integrale jeugdhulp, kon het decreet het tij keren? Welwijs: Wisselwerking Onderwijs en Welzijnswerk, (4), 27-29.

Numans, W., Van Regenmortel, T., Schalk, R. (2019). Partnership research: a pathway to realize multistakeholder participation. International Journal Of Qualitative Methods, (18), 1-12. Open Access

van der Zwet, R.J M., Beneken genaamd Kolmer, D.M., Schalk, R., Van Regenmortel, T. (2019). Implementing Evidence-Based Practice in a Dutch social work organisation: A shared responsibility. British Journal Of Social Work, Art.No. bzc125, 1-21. doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bcz125 Open Access

Rutenfrans-Stupar, M., Hanique, N., Van Regenmortel, T., Schalk, R. (2019). The importance of self- mastery in enhancing quality of life and social participation of individuals experiencing homelessness: Results of a mixed-method study. Social Indicators Research, 1-25. doi: 10.1007/s11205-019-02211-y Open Access

Van der Zwet, R., Beneken genaamd Kolder, D., Schalk, R., Van Regenmortel, T. (2019). Views and attitudes towards Evidence-Based Practice in a Dutch social work organization. Journal of Evidence- Based Social Work16 (3), 245-260. doi: 10.1080/23761407.2019.1584071 Open Access

Rothman, L., De Vijlder, F., Schalk, R., Van Regenmortel, T. (2019). A systematic review on organizational empowerment. International Journal of Organizational Analysis27 (5), 1336-1361. doi: 10.1108/IJOA- 02-2019-1657 Open Access

Boomkens, C., Metz, J.W., Van Regenmortel, T., Schalk, R.M J D. with Boomkens, C. (corresp. author) (2019). The development of agency in professional youth work with girls and young women in the Netherlands. Journal of Social Work19 (6), 719-735. doi: 10.1177/1468017318784079 Open Access

Rutenfrans-Stupar, M., Van Regenmortel, T., Schalk, R. (2019). How to enhance social participation and well-being in homeless clients. A Structural Equation Modelling Approach. SOCIAL INDICATORS RESEARCH145 (1), 329-348. doi: 10.1007/s11205-019-02099-8 Open Access

Boomkens, C., Metz, J., Schalk, R., Van Regenmortel, T. (2019). The girls work method: what is the role of empowerment in building girls’ agency? European Journal Of Social Work, 1-14. doi: 10.1080/13691457.2019.1630371 Open Access

Boomkens, C., Metz, J., Schalk, R., Van Regenmortel, T. (2019). The role of social environment in acquiring agency in Girls Work. Children And Youth Services Review, (104), Art.No. 104399. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2019.104399 Open Access

Noordink, T., Verharen, L., Schalk, R., Van Regenmortel, T. (2019). De totstandkoming van meetinstrumenten van empowerment onder de loep. Instrumentontwikkeling volgesn de kwaliteitsstandaarden, een kritische beschouwing. Journal of Social Intervention : Theory and Practice28 (4), 24-47. Open Access

Rutenfrans-Stupar, M., Schalk, R., Van Regenmortel, T. (2019). Het belang van organisatorische inbedding van een innovatieve interventie. Een praktijkvoorbeeld. M en O: Tijdschrift voor Management En Organisatie, (2), 4-22. Open Access

Demaerschalk, E., Hermans, K., Steenssens, K., Van Regenmortel, T. (2019). Homelessness. Merely an urban phenomenon? Exploring hidden homelessness in rural Belgium. European Journal of Homelessness13 (1), 99-118. Open Access

Huber, M., Metze, R., Veldboer, L., Stam, M., Van Regenmortel, T., Abma, T. (2019). The role of participatory space in the development of citizenship. Journal of Social Intervention : Theory and Practice28 (1), 39-55. doi: 10.18352/jsi.583 Open Access

Rutenfrans-Stupar, M., Schalk, M.J D., Van Regenmortel, T. (2019). Grow through participation. A longitudinal study on a participation -based intervention for homeless people. Journal Of Social Service Research, 1-16. doi:

Rutenfrans-Stupar, M.R., Van Der Plas, B., Den Haan, R., Van Regenmortel, T., Schalk, R. (2019). How is participation related to well-being of homeless people? An explorative qualitative study in a Dutch homeless shelter facility. Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless28, 44-55. doi: 10.1080/10530789.2018.1563267 Open Access